Plenaries 2025

Thursday, March 6 | 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Opening Plenary Session – Hall D

Solidarity in Action: Building Power to Transform Communities

Sponsored by Chase Bank

This session will focus on how we achieve inclusion and prosperity in a time in which demographic change, economic uncertainty, and political polarization have become major trends. How do we develop and strengthen a sense of community and shared fate in this context? What is the role of bold leadership, cross-sector conversation, and movement building to truly build power and create change? And what is the special role for California and advocates, developers, and policymakers in the housing sector?

Keynote Speaker

Manuel Pastor

Dr. Manuel Pastor

Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity

University of Southern California

Thursday, March 6 | 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM

Afternoon Plenary Session – Hall D

Re-Imagining the Role of the State

Sponsored by U.S. Bank

California is at an inflection point that will determine whether we will meet our aspirations to be a state that can deliver on our golden promise of affordable homes, health, and prosperity for all in thriving, sustainable communities. The results of the November 2024 election reflect growing skepticism about traditional institutions’ ability to address critical issues like rising housing costs and homelessness. Despite the political shifts that will surely complicate our collective efforts, there is an opportunity to reimagine the state’s role in solving these challenges by transforming its governance so that its approach to funding and service delivery can meet the needs of Californians.

Transformation will require large-scale investments in housing and infrastructure, reforming outdated processes and practices, and addressing overstressed service systems—issues that have long hindered the rapid, equitable expansion of affordable housing and person-centered support for Californians at risk of or experiencing housing instability and homelessness. This panel will explore the necessary conditions for a more vibrant and effective housing and homelessness policy landscape and identify key changes needed to expand government-led infrastructure and increase accountability for tangible impacts.

Plenary Speakers

Chione Flegal

Chione Flegal – Moderator

Executive Director

Housing California

Joseph Tomás McKeller

Joseph Tomás McKellar

Executive Director

PICO California

Libby Schaaf

Libby Schaff

Former Mayor of Oakland

HUD Appointee to MTC/BAHFA

Shola Olatoye

Shola Olatoye

Chief Operating Officer

Eden Housing, Inc.

Veronica Lewis

Veronica Lewis



Friday, March 7 | 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM

Closing Plenary Session – Hall D

Lived Experience as Technical Expertise: Building Power by Bridging the Divide

People who have experienced homelessness and housing instability have expert knowledge of the housing affordability and homelessness crisis. Yet despite the strengths that this knowledge can bring to solutions, much of the power sits with people with limited lived experience of the day-to-day issues that come up. What could our movement for housing justice achieve if solutions were driven by those with direct experience of housing insecurity and homelessness and reflected in our policymaking, campaigns, and program delivery? In an environment where anti-homelessness rhetoric and action is on the rise, it is even more important to rethink our movement in a way that puts those most impacted by our systems in a co-pilot role to go beyond attesting to impacts, and rather, to build true solidarity to determine root causes and prioritize and pursue solutions. Join us for a lively discussion among individuals who have integrated both their lived experience and technical expertise to build power and enact meaningful change.

Plenary Speakers

Julie Lo

Julie Lo – Moderator

Deputy Director of Programs

Housing California

Dr. LaMont Green

Dr. LaMont Green



Margo Velez

Margo Velez

Senior Leader and Network Facilitator

RUN / HEAL Network

Ocean Blue Coast

Ocean Blue Coast

Housing Organizer

Senior and Disability Action

Sabrina Fuentes

Sabrina Fuentes

Case Manager/MAT Navigator